The below video shows an example of a baby that is removing milk well from the breast.
Mindful Breastfeeding Strategies
Get to know how your breasts feel before and after a feed – this will help you understand if your baby is draining the breast well. If shallowing latch, pinching or pain worsening as feed goes on – de-latch and start again.
Pay attention to suck-swallow pattern: If your breasts have softened and your baby is doing more ‘faster’ (non-nutritive) sucking and less swallowing for 2-3 minutes, detach baby, feel your breasts to see if they have softened / feel well drained. If you don’t feel that breast is well drained, continue feeding off that side, introducing breast compressions. If you feel that baby has finished on the first side, offer the second side (Dinner then Dessert!)
Breast compressions if swallowing slows (Squeeze breast for 5-10s then release – taking care not to pull any breast tissue out of the mouth). Breast Compressions Demonstration Video
Positioning Your Baby – Check for these before and after latching your baby
Asymmetric Latch / Chin Lands the Latch Video
Lucy Webber IBCLC 4 Ts of Positioning (Image)
Lucy Webber IBCLC Positioning Tips (Video Demonstration)
- Your nipple should be in line with baby’s top lip, so the chin is the first part to touch the breast as they latch (chin touching breasts stimulates the mouth to open wide – the gaping reflex)
- Bring baby to breast not breast to baby
- Chin deep into the breast and head tilts back (make sure there is nothing touching the back of their head)
- Nose is free or slightly touching breast
- Both baby’s cheeks should be touching the breast or close to touching the breast.
- If you can see your baby’s lips they are likely too far away from you – Roll them in and Hug them closer!
- Their tummy should fit against you, and their hips and knees should be tucked against you (tuck their bum in).
- You should be able to draw a straight line from your baby’s ear, shoulder and hip.
- Use pillows to support your limbs and make you comfortable.
More examples visit:
Positions and Holds for Breastfeeding your Baby
Global Health Media Video – Breastfeeding Positions – this is a 10 minute video showing how to position your baby in a variety of ways. See time-stamps below for each position.
Laid-Back / Reclined: 2min 35s
Cross-Cradle: 4min 04s
Cradle: 5min 20s
Rugby/Football/Underarm Hold: 6min 11s
Side-Lying: 7min 30s
Positions for holding twins: 8min 19s
Koala Hold – Rainbow Road Lactation
Koala Hold (Katie Clark, IBCLC)
Anatomy of the Koala Hold (Image)
Upright Football Hold – Kathryn Stagg IBCLC
Side-Lying Breastfeeding – Legendairy Milk Video
Older baby football hold – LA Lactation
Tips for helping your baby Latch to the Breast – different Latching techniques to try
Attaching your baby to the breast – Global Health Media Video – this 10 minute video shows a variety of babies latching to the breast and, also shows examples of shallower latches.
Flipple / Thumbs Up and Exaggerated Latch
Flipple Technique in Koala Hold (IBCLC Meg Nagle) *note baby in this video also has Tongue and Lip Tie