Basic Instructions for Pumping with an Electric Breast Pump (that has different modes): Watch your Milk Flow – Not the Clock!
We want to mimic what the baby does at the breast!
- Choose a vacuum level that is comfortable for you – it doesn’t need to be a very high suction.
- Start on the mode that mimics non-nutritive sucking (the faster sucking – ‘suck-suck-suck’) that your baby uses to tell your breast to release the milk (have a let-down / Milk Ejection Reflex). E.g. Massage or Stimulation mode.
- When your milk starts to flow (may only start off as droplets as you’re first starting out) change the mode to “Letdown” or “Expression” (this is the mode that mimics babies’ sucking pattern when they are removing milk (‘suck-swallow, suck-swallow’) / slower sucking rhythm)
- Once milk flow slows, change back to the massage/stimulation mode to trigger another letdown / release of milk and repeat the first two steps.
After a few cycles, you may notice that after 3 minutes on massage mode, your milk flow slows. At this time, you could try some hand expressing or choose to finish the pumping session.
Hand Expressing (Australian Breastfeeding Association)
If using a single breast pump – You can alternate sides after each milk ejection / let-down OR you may choose to finish pumping one side, before starting the other.
‘Power Pumping’ Technique – mimics “Cluster feeding” to increase Milk Supply
The aim of Power Pumping is NOT to get more milk in that session – but to increase your milk supply over time.
Pump or feed as normal to drain the breasts (Note – the breasts will never fully be empty)
Wait 10 minutes and then Pump for 10 minutes
Wait 10 minutes and Pump for 10 minutes again, repeating 1 or 2 more times.
Feed baby at their usual time or when they next cue for a feed.
It can take a few days of consistency before you start to see changes in milk supply. You should start to notice your breasts begin to feel fuller over the next week or two if your breasts are being stimulated well.
Storing Expressed Breastmilk (Queensland Health Guidelines)
Breast Pump Information and Extra Resources
Cherished Parenting Services – Choosing a Breast Pump
Cherished Parenting Services – Flange Sizing Guide
Altering your Bra to Support Hands-Free Pumping (Video)
Hands-Free Pumping Hack – LA Lactation (Video)
Breast Pump Parts – Online Store List (e.g. flanges, flange inserts, tubing etc).
Cherished Parenting Services Online Store
It is important to change your breast pump parts according to manufacturer’s instructions, in order to get the best use out of the equipment.
If purchasing Flange Inserts – if using a wearable pump, ensure you get a “short” flange insert. Many wearable pump manufacturer’s now have their own inserts for sale, otherwise you can source inserts that fit most breast pumps at the above online stores.
Note – Pumpin Pals flanges are particularly helpful for parents with elastic nipples.
Hospital Grade Breast Pump Hire Locations – Brisbane
*Note this list is frequently being updated*
Breast pump hire – Australian Breastfeeding Association locations
My Breast Pump Hire – Everton Park