Babies and Toddlers – Resources

Child Development Resources

Pathways.Org – Developmental Milestones – from Birth to 6 years of Age

Children’s Health Queensland – Red Flags Early Identification Guide – Birth to 5 years


Is my Baby getting enough Breastmilk or Formula – Children’s Health Queensland (includes Normal Poo Photographs)

Free to Feed – Diaper Decipher – example of normal poos and poos that suggest a baby might have an allergy or intolerance

Feeding Cues Blog Post (Rainbow Road Lactation)

Getting to Know Your Baby – Normal Behaviour and Settling Strategies (Rainbow Road Lactation)

Growth Spurts – KellyMom

Fussy Periods – Australian Breastfeeding Association

My baby is fussy! Is something wrong? KellyMom

Breastfeeding the Older Baby – Australian Breastfeeding Association

Breastfeeding the Distractible Baby (KellyMom)

Is my Older Baby getting enough milk? (KellyMom)

Helping Babies to Burp, Poop and Pass Wind

Burping Over the Knee

Burping – Upright Bounce and Guppy

Burping: Upright Bounce

Massage, Holds and Acupressure for Digestion

1 minute Tummy Massage for wind and poop

I love you Massage for passing wind / encourage bowel motions

Acupressure and Massage for Pooping

Hip Elevations to pass wind/poop

Tiger in the Tree Hold – Great for gassy babies, and also counts as tummy time. Can also help babies with neck stiffness and counts as Tummy Time!

Normal Baby Sleep Resources

The below newborn to older child sleep resources are evidence based and responsive, ensuring both positive parent and infant mental health, and secure attachment.

VIDEO: presents answers to frequently asked questions with Dr. James McKenna. Topics include – Infant and childhood sleep development, SIDS/SUDI, forms of cosleeping and breastfeeding.

KellyMom: Feeding to Sleep and Comfort Nursing

Infant Sleep Scientist (Instagram)

The Gentle Sleep Coach (Instagram)

Kin Postpartum 

Dr Lyndsey Hookway (Instagram)

Dr Hookway’s book: ‘Let’s talk about your family’s sleep’  

Book: Safe Infant Sleep by Dr James McKenna

Safe Sleep Resources (Including Safe Bed Sharing)

Queensland Clinical Guidelines – Safer Infant Sleep

Red Nose – Parent Brochures for Safe Sleeping, Safer Co-Sleeping, Tummy Time and Wrapping

Red Nose – Sharing a Sleep Surface handout

Bed Sharing and Breastfeeding: Parent Handout – Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine

Safe Co-sleeping guidelines from Dr James McKenna

Examples of safe bedsharing positions – Basis (UK Baby Sleep Info Source)

Safer Chest Sleeping and Bed Sharing Strategies – CoSleepy

How to tell if your mattress is safe (hard / firm enough) to have your baby sleep on it – An easy test created by Dr. Ron Somers

Firm Mattress Recommendations – Cosleepy

Tips for Comfortably Positioning YOURSELF during bed sharing and side-lying feeding (Cosleepy) 

Starting Solids

Is your baby ready to start Solids (Solid Starts)

Most healthy, full-term, typically developing babies are ready to start eating solid food around 6 months old. Before you dive in, however, make sure your baby has reached these critical developmental milestones:

  • Sitting: Baby is able to sit with minimal support
  • Head Control: Baby is able to hold head upright and steady while seated for a meal (usually about 15 mins)
  • Reaches & Grabs: Baby is able to pick up objects while seated and easily bring them to the mouth
  • Interested in Food: Baby watches you eat, mouths for food, or leans forward to reach for it

Solid Starts First Foods Database (free database with information on how to cut and prepare solid foods to ensure your child’s safety per age group):

Ways you can offer solids (Solid Starts)

Introducing allergens (Solid Starts)

Tips for juggling breastfeeding, bottle feeding and offering solids

Water for Babies and Toddlers

Cow’s Milk for Babies

Gagging vs Choking

Choosing a High Chair

Recipes (both purées and Baby Led Weaning) Annabel Karmel

Ultimate Guide to Cup Drinking (Includes Straw Drinking)